Your HR and Business Management Partner Across Africa
Looking for a comprehensive HR management solution? Look no further than Africa Management Solutions Limited (AMSOL)

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AMSOL has a highly skilled, knowledgeable, experienced, diversified, and solid team of competent and experienced hr consulting professionals.

Our Mission
To provide timely, quality, and superior services with the aim of being the management solutions service provider of choice in Africa.
Our Vision
To become a premier management consulting firm in Africa.
Our Core Values
Innovativeness, Professionalism, Teamwork, Flexibility, Reliability, Integrity
How Effective Is What
Our Clients Use?
13 Dec 2016
What is a CV?
A CV is an integral part of any person’s career and job search. It’s a means by which you put your skills, edu...
13 Dec 2016
How to: Writing a good CV
A good CV is an essential tool for job hunting, especially when there is stiff competition for the same positi...
13 Dec 2016
FYI: Keep your CV short and sweet
Here is a question that many are willing to ask than answer. “Does the size of a professional CV matter?” The ...
13 Dec 2016
CV Presentation: the Dos and Don’ts
It’s no surprise that the best written CV in the world can be disregarded by lack of proper presentation.
13 Dec 2016
How to: Preparing adequately for an interview
Different jobs have varied interview processes. The interview process also varies from one employer to another...
16 Dec 2016
Job Search: the Dos and Don’ts
In search for a new job? What you do doesn’t count much, but the way you do it…
Job searching can be a frustr...
19 Feb 2018
Top Tips for Writing a Job Fetching CV
A C.V is the first impression that a recruiter has of you and, as such it is paramount that you woo them with ...
08 Mar 2018
Ways to tell if you need a new CV
Is your CV Outdated?
While you ought to dependably modify your CV to each job you apply for, unraveling when ...
19 Mar 2018
How to Decide What Job to Look For
You’re stuck in a rut? Maybe you need a total life overhaul – have you thought about that? Think about where y...
25 Apr 2018
Human Resource Outsourcing
HR outsourcing (HRO) is simply the allotment of some or all the human resources functions to a more specialize...